Badump Bump. That's the sound of the other shoe dropping. Things were going so well then this gigantic douchebag I work with decided that he didn't like the way I smile (sarcastic elaboration).
Really what happened after I just put in an awesome month of work is that this lazy-ass donkey fucker I work with starts belittling me in front of my crew on Friday morning (Sep 29th for the record). He was giving me a derogatory nickname compairing me with some other employee from the past who evidently didn't do much work. I told him we needed to go talk about what he was saying but he was relentless.
I stewed about it over the weekend and decided to tell him on Monday that I would report him to HR for harassment if he ever did that again.
Monday morning came and I had a chance to talk to him alone. I told him that I took offense to the remarks he made on Friday and gave him the HR warning.
Things went very bad from there... at one point I even got caught up in the argument and said there was nothing to his job. He dared me to do his job for a week. I basically let him know he was full of shit and that he better leave me alone.
The last thing he said to me was "Kiss my ass." I replied "Fuck off."
So I'm leaving out a lot of fun back-and-forth banter but that's the gist. Needless to say I'm avoiding this guy as much as possible. I checked with the rest of the crew and no one else holds the same opinion as him so I am vindicated.
Then, after some good times hanging out with my wife and smacking some golf balls around (separate activities), I feel a thousand times better.
And life goes on...