Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Penis Headgear

I hate how the Golden Girls comes on right after Frasier. I really hate the way the intro theme music makes me feel.

Seattle was awesome. Next time I am going to go up in the Needle (yes, Seattle is a junky) so I can check out the whole cityscape. Food was good, the company was great. I am going to miss those rugrats.

I'm fighting off a cold right now so sleep is calling my name. See you soon.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Hi everybody!

Everybody, meaning me and my wife and maybe my dog.

I bowled a 199. I won some money in a bowling tournament.

Work is good.

Going golfing with some new friends this weekend.

My mom and brother are coming to visit soon.

Going to Seattle in a couple of weeks for the pursuit of the appreciation of art.

I like goldfish crackers and beer.
