Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Turkey Week

My last post was boring so I am hurrying to bury it with something new. Let's see, I had my doctor appt. at 8:30am on Monday. The physician's asst. was cool. He had me walk and squat and bend my knee. He moved my kneecap around and it made popping noises. He actually checked both my knees. Then doctor dickhead comes waltzing in. I don't know if my problem is just so minor that he felt like I shouldn't be bothering him with it or what but he was really aloof and only spent about 3 minutes in the room with me asking a few questions. I guess when you're a specialist you can be an asshole.

Anyways he ordered an MRI for me then he took off. I got to the nurses station and was looking around for him thinking he would give me some instructions about how I should treat my knee. I actually had to send a nurse to ask him for me and she came back to tell me all the doc said was "avoid squatting". So no more crapping in the woods for me for awhile.

Happily they were able to get me in for my MRI Monday night at 8:45pm so I didn't have to drive back into the city. The MRI took about 25 minutes and the only thing I saw all day regarding what was possibly wrong with my knee was the paperwork the doctor's office sent over that send 'Torn Lateral Meniscus'. So I guess we'll find out if that's the case. I prolly won't hear from the doc-tator until after Turkey day.

I did manage to spend a lot of money whilst in the city though. Gotta love REI... and Tonkin Toyota. This is a stock photo and I'll post some of my own soon but here's what my new truck looks like:

Oh yeah, everyone have an excellent holiday!!

Friday, November 16, 2007

The wind and the rain and the ice and the snow...

Novemberino is here. I will be heading to Portland this weekend. I have a doctor's appt. Monday to get my f'd up knee checked out. I'm going to an excellent Ortho and sport's rehab specialist. We shall see what comes of it. I sat out of bowling league last week because I didn't want to aggravate my injury. It sucked though because I ended up losing all 3 games. So last night I went ahead and bowled. A few beers helped numb the pain and I ended up winning 2 out of 3, 189-134-184. Guess which games I won, lol.

Talk to you after the knee doc! This entire video makes my knees ache... even when the sales guy is talking about his product.
