Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Here we go knee surgerino!!

Thursday at 1:45pm is check-in time for my arthroscopic knee surgery. I have a tear in my medial meniscus and a ganglion syst in my knee! I'm excited because I've never had surgery before. They are going to put me in twilight sleep and go in and shave off the torn cartilage. It should be over pretty quickly and I should get some pain management tools. After a couple of days I will really have to start working the knee out. I'm hoping that I will be a super-human/robot/bionic/cyborgenic/beast-monster/hero when it's all over. I want to free-run (gets cool at about 2 minutes in) and jump and fly and use my knees to lift extremely heavy objects with. I will talk to you all when I can write again, wish me luck!

1 comment:

Lo said...

See you tonight. The puppies are excited to see you guys. The surgery is going to go great. You will be running around the golf course in no time.