Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Well... that's a deep subject.

So I was driving around today thinking about our soon-to-be newest family member.

Here are some things I was wondering about you Ruary...

What are you going to look like? What will your cry sound like? What kind of music will put you to sleep? Will your dimples show up when you smile? How fast will you grow up? Will the dogs make you laugh when they do stupid stuff? What will be the first thing that you say? What kind of a boy are you going to be? Will I be happy or sad to see you grow up, or both? Are you going to be serious or goofy or both? Will you do well in school? Are you going to be an artist, musician, or maybe a scientist? Or will you work in production or fast food or be a mechanic? Will you respect others, especially your teachers because your mom is one? Are you going to realize the important things in life because I tell you what I think they are or will you have to learn them for yourself? Can you make it through your teenage years without hurting yourself or anyone else? Will I set a good example for you? Can I keep the bad things in life at a distance for you? Will you forgive me for my hypocrisy? Will you forgive me for my faults? Will you always know that I love you and only want the best for you? Will you understand why you are in trouble by us? Will you love life? Do you want to go to college? Where will you decide to live when you're grown up? What kind of man will you be? Will you find love and happiness? Will you succeed? What do you want to be when you grow up? Will you have children? What will you name them? Will they come visit their grandparents? Will you be a good dad? Did we raise you well? Did we do enough for you? Were we good parents...?


Lo said...

Wow! That brought a tear to my eye. Isn't it crazy to think all of those things? You are going to be an awesome DAD!! There is no doubt in my mind.

K Schimmy said...

Way to make your wife cry. As if that's any great feat nowadays... I love you, honey.

Salal said...

why does that make people (including me) get weepy?

you will both be such awesome parent, and I can't wait to see how those questions turn out.

not gopey said...

You make be prouder than ever to be your mother-in-law. Love, Gramma Kathy to be.

Joe Six-Pack said...

Most importantly, would you go all in with pocket threes when you're in the small blind, you're short stacked and you have a 3x times the big blind raiser on the button? These are truly the moments that define a person.

LIONO said...

Hmm, after a moment of consideration, I would go all-in. The button probably only has one face card and is using his power position to steal the blinds. I like my odds in this hand and think that the big blind and button will fold to my show of strength or worst case I get called by the button and we have a little race with my little pair at an advantage. Thanks for shopping.