Wednesday, January 07, 2009


Disclaimer: This is actually Kel's post, Flickr sent it to the wrong blog. Just in case you thought it was odd I was so enthusiastic about hippo fabric from Ikea...

Aunt Ruth created all sorts of cool things for Ruary. First she made us an AMAZING quilt (I really need to post a picture of it), a big, awesome diaper bag (which holds everything, by the way!), and a newborn-sized boppy for tummy time. But she also created our crib bumper, where she used some sock monkey fabric along with the cute hippo fabric I got at Ikea. I want to sleep in the crib now, I wonder what the weight limit is?

Anyhoo, Ruru enjoys talking to / laughing at / kicking at the animals on his mobile after he gets his diaper changed. He is at his silliest when his rear end is clean and dry. Really, aren't we all?


Lo said...

I think the crib looks like fun as well. He is spoiled, but that is what you should expect for our family.

Secret Squirrel said...

That is one pimped crib.