Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Typo Eradication Advancement League (TEAL)

I read this amusing article (see below) and felt compelled to link to their website. I found that you can still buy T-shirts but the rest of the site defaults to this error message:

Typo Eradication Advancement League

Statement on the signage of our National Parks and public lands to come
Note the lack of period completing the sentence, sarcasm high-5. Anyhow, these guys have been slapped with a fine for their well-intended vandalism so I assume if they sell some shirts that will help cover their dues.

I don't want to see all misspellings and grammar no-nos corrected because our language has evolved and there is cultural relevance to some of these mistakes. However, if the signage is in the public eye and used to inform and educate I feel it should be accurate. We don't want to live in a world of stupid do we?

Article as posted on MSNBC --- TEAL

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