Wednesday, May 31, 2006


I don't have allergies but I do have red, watery, itchy eyes and an overwhelming feeling of drowsiness not unlike that which I'm sure is shared by narcoleptics. I'm sure I'm dehydrated and that's what is causing these issues.
So I bought Diablo II, MMORPG. I have been playing D&D Online but getting kind of burned out on it. Looking for something else to do with my late evening freetime.
I think I'll go eat some milk duds.


K Schimmy said...

YOU HAVE ALLERGIES!! HA!! I gave them to you in your sleep. That is actually pollen in the corner of your eyes when you wake, because I sprinkle it on you while you slumber.

LIONO said...

Hah hah, we must have just missed each other while we slept. For I have been slowly burrowing through your stomach with Q-tips during the night. I should be inside by early 2008.