Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Enlightened weights

So me and Jesus were doing back and biceps at the gym the other day and in walks Buddha. He sits down in the middle of the workout equipment and starts to whistle. I was like what are you doing? He said he was waiting for Vishnu because they were supposed to 'max out' on bench press today. I was like dude, don't you know yesterday was Cinco de Mayo? He was like yeah, so? I said well Vishnu is in jail with Tom Cruise. Buddha jumped up and shouted "WTF!" I said yeah, they got drunk on Mezcal and flew to Salt Lake City. They decided it would be funny to spray a giant picture of George W. Bush on the Mormon tabernacle. Buddha was like, huh? George Bush, so? I said the picture portrayed the commander in chief performing oral sex on a Scud missile. The caption below this appalling illustration read "I swallow... the truth." Needless to say the authorities and Chuck Norris did not find this amusing. Jack Bauer from CTU was able to get the charges dropped to criminal mischief fortunately and they would be getting out on bail in a day or two. Anyhow, Looking at Buddha and nodding towards Jesus, I said I thought we should head out to the local brewpub and grab a nice cold beer! I didn't feel much like working out. The gods incarnate slapped high-fives and we made our way to the door. That was one hell of a Saturday.

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