Friday, October 26, 2007

The results are...

I finally got an eye exam and my prescription hasn't changed since last year which is good. So I'm going to get fitted for contact lenses Monday and I'm really excited. I don't have anything against glasses but it gets irritating having to switch back and forth between glasses and sunglasses. The weather changes every 20 seconds down here so it happens a lot.

Next, el dentisto. I tried a local dentist and I liked him. I have had a tooth bothering me and it turns out it's broken and I get to have a root canal. Yippee! I have had these before and I was going to go back to my old dentist but I figured what better way to try out a new dentist than to get a root canal!

Last is the thing that hasn't happened yet, I need to get my frigging knee checked out. I really f'd it up, I think I over-golfed or something. I almost bought a cane the other day... it was a really cool, clear plastic cane with a formed grip. I felt like I was one pair of goldfish filled, high-heeled clogs shy of pimpitude when I was trying it out at the pharmacy. But I digress, the knee problem is either a torn meniscus or a bad MCL strain. If there were any doctors around here I wasn't afraid of I would have seen someone much sooner. Off to Longview I go. Wish me luck.

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